previous-pageHuman Resources

With the principle that the most important resource in our company is Human Resources, studies are carried out for our employees to improve themselves and plan their careers. Improving the performance evaluation and reward system so that our employees' performances can be evaluated accurately and their motivation increases is among our priority projects.

Job Selection - Placement
The basic requirement for candidates applying to Derimod is that their knowledge and skills are compatible with the relevant position, and evaluation is made taking into account these qualifications and experiences. To apply to DERİMOD, you can use the sites,, where we advertise.

Orientation Training and Starting Work : Our newly hired employees start their training activities with an orientation program that ensures quick and easy adaptation to the company. We have orientation programs that vary depending on the positions.

Internship : Internship opportunities are provided for Vocational High School and University students in certain quotas.

Training : Our training goals are to offer development and training opportunities to all our employees at Derimod, and to sustain and increase their effectiveness in the company's success.

We attach importance to professional and personal development training in order to maintain the position of our company in an ever-increasing and changing competitive environment and to meet and develop the development needs of our employees.

Career Opportunities : In order for our employees to follow the career path that best suits their qualifications, career planning is made by taking into account the performance system and the achievement of individual goals in line with the strategic goals of our company and the development of basic competencies to be successful in business life. Inter-unit rotation and promotion opportunities are created to improve the employee's self-improvement and reward high performance.

For your job applications You can send your CV to.